Sunny Chinooks Camping Association
Welcomes you to Central & Southern Alberta's home to social nudism since 1952

Nudist News Feed
Sunny Chinooks nudist park is closed for the 2024 season
Thank you to our visitors this past summer
Winter Swims - November, December, January, February, March
Dates Now Available
e-mail us if you a nudist interested in a 1st visit with us or a 1st timer wishing to experience the freedom that social nudism provides?
If you have not recieved a reply to your inquiry - Check your spam !!
SCA members - Annual General Meeting - November 9th
Our Club - a short history
Sunny Chinooks started in 1952 and operated at many locations throughout southern Alberta until settling in NW of Cochrane for approximately 20 years. When this location became unavailable the decision was made for the membership to take control of our future by purchasing and running our own campground. After a search our present location near Sundre was located in 1992.
Since then we have built this camp ground into a beautiful facility with many amenties through the volunteer help of our membership.

What do we do as nudists?
Basically we do what people do except we do it without clothing, as the weather and social convention permits.
Some of us extend this to our home life, some do not, but when at the campground we spend our days in the nude.
We take nude cruises and vacation at other clubs and resorts in North America, Europe, Mexico and other world locations.
We swim nude throughout the winter at a pool in Calgary on a monthly basis.
Mostly we just relax, socialize and have fun!

Why should you visit us?
Perhaps like a lot of Albertans you have been to Little Beach in Maui, Wreck Beach in Vancouver, Haulover Beach in Miami, Hidden Beach in Mexico or any other clothes free destination and found you really enjoyed it.
Perhaps you like to skinny dip, hot tub nude, or just enjoy being nude around the house.
Perhaps you have not tried it but are interested in trying it in a no pressure atmosphere.
Well we can offer you these good things right here in Alberta at our campground and our swims throughout the winter months.
Come visit - undress, unstress.

Our Campground
Located 1 1/2 hours NW of Calgary near the town of Sundre, our campground has modern up to date facilities such as a 1200 sq. ft. clubhouse, a wash house with hot water showers, RV sites with water and 30 amp electrical, a central sanitary dump for your RV, hot tub gazebo, outdoor shower, rental cottage and we are very close to a river which provides some recreational opportunity.
Our club has always been a 100% associate of AANR, a nudist body made up of member clubs throughout North America. We are a not for profit organization registered under the Societies Act of Alberta.