Sunny Chinooks Camping Association
Welcomes you to Central & Southern Alberta's home to social nudism since 1952

Interested in our swims or camping at our nudist park? Here is more information to assist you in sharing the nudist community of Sunny Chinooks.
Thank you for your interest in our nudist club and park. We allow visitors to our swims and campground with the hope they will consider membership. We have are looking for people with a mature sense of body image to join with us in a socially nude setting.
Sunny Chinooks Camping Association practices family values in a safe, fully nude campground for those interested in enjoying the great outdoors in a friendly, community environment. We are exclusively a nudist facility rather than clothing optional. We are only clothed when the weather or an activity requires us to be so.
Our members and guests want to have the most pleasant and comfortable experience possible therefore we ask prospective members to engage in a discovery process prior to first visit to allow us to get to know you and allow you to have your questions answered
We would appreciate you answering our questions as shown below so we can proceed with arranging a date for a swim, a stay or a tour. Our membership procedure is to have you visit with us at least 3 times ( minimum 2 full weekends, 1 day) in a single season prior to us extending an invitation to join. This allows time for us to get to know you and you to get to know us. After the application we get a first approval by our board and then the members ratify your membership at a general meeting held in November. We want to stress we are a co-operative club which means we are not owned by a single entity but rather by the club and its membership as a whole. We want members that will participate in this type of organization. Being a member requires a commitment to be at the campground on a regular basis throughout the season, maintain your site if applicable, volunteer as hosts on the occasional weekend, in general to share in the running of this club and campground. We are not a public campground, overnight travel stop, storage facility, nor are we intended for the day usage of non members or public on a recurring basis. Our campground only survives with the volunteer effort by our members and is intended for the use of our members. We need members that will take an ongoing interest in seeing that this club of 70+ years and this park of 30+ years will continue to provide a venue for social nudism for the future. We are also very firm about the security and comfort of our members.
To accomplish this process in an expedited manner we ask that you contact us only via the form below with answers where applicable to the following questions and be sure to put "New Member Inquiry" in your message. Part 1 is required for attending swims, part 2 is additional if your interest is also in camping at our grounds.
If it appears that you have not received a timely reply (it may take some days as we are out enjoying club activities), we ask you to check your junk/spam mail folder before re-contacting us as spam filters are causing some legitimate mail to be held up by internet providers.
Are you hoping that your visit will lead to membership?
Please provide us with your full name along with your partners name, your age and phone number so we may contact you.
What is your current family status, married, children, life partner etc.? Do they share your interest in nudism? Will your partner be available for the interview process
Will this be your first nudist experience in a group setting? If not what history have you had with nudism? For instance have you been to a nude beach, skinny dipped or shared a hot-tub with others?
Please tell us your expectations of nudism and of our club.
Are you presently a member or have been a member of any nudist association or club?
Do you know anyone who is or has been a member of Sunny Chinooks?
The following questions are optional if interested in our campground :
8. Are you interested in camping at our facility during the summer season?
9. We have a co-operative environment (no paid staff) with management, maintenance and planning activities shared among the membership. How do you feel about participating in this arrangement?
10. Do you have a RV or tent that you are planning to use at the campground? What size and type of RV do you have? Would you be interested in a yearly lot rental or weekend camping?
11. Do you have a pet that will be attending your visit to our grounds? If so please provide us with details.
By providing us with answers to the above questions where applicable in the message section in advance it will allow the interview process to be conducted in a shorter amount of time. What you can expect is an email possibly including some further simple questions to try to get to know you a bit better. For all of our member’s comfort the club screens all new people and reserves the right to ask any visitor to leave if behavior does not meet our standards. Once we get to know you a bit better you can either choose to attend one of our swims in Calgary or head out to camp for a visit. Directions to the park or swims are given after we complete an acceptable interview.
If it appears that you have not received a timely reply (it may take some days as we are out enjoying club activities), we ask you to check your junk/spam mail folder before re-contacting us as spam filters are causing some legitimate mail to be held up by internet providers.